If Virginia Wolf demanded a room of her own, we demand a loud and firm voice for women at risk of social exclusion; a musical voice that transforms lives through art and culture.
With Own Voice
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2023 / 4:30 p.m. / CEIP SAN CRISTÓBAL (c/Bravo Murillo, 39)
Group singing as social therapy has been implemented exponentially throughout the world in recent decades.
Half artistic groups, half therapeutic groups, these choirs meet weekly to rehearse and reconnect with life and themselves.
If Virginia Wolf demanded a room of her own, we demand a loud and firm voice for women at risk of social exclusion; a musical voice that transforms lives through art and culture.
- Monday of October 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
It is essential to request an APPOINTMENT (685.30.51.78).
- Location_ CEIP San Cristóbal (c/Bravo Murillo, 39, 28015 Madrid).
- For all strings.
- What they consist of: vocalization, melodic, harmonic and rhythm ear test. Small personal interview. It is not necessary to bring any work prepared.
Every Monday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The first part will be dedicated to the rehearsal and the second to the professional coach session.
CEIP San Cristóbal (c/Bravo Murillo, 39, 28015 Madrid).
Monthly payment: €30/month.
Registration: €30 (at the beginning of each course).
SCHOLARSHIP bank available (consult).