MUSIC'us launches this October Con Voz Propia, a artistic and social initiative to help women in Madrid that will be developed in the Chamberí district. In order to bring together the largest number of social agents, media and women who want to participate, a meeting has been called high spectrum briefing, open to the public, which will take place on Friday the 20th of this month at 4:30 p.m. at the CEIP San Cristóbal (c/Bravo Murillo, 39). It will discuss the main lines of this new artistic group, designed so that the voices of women, together, sound and resonate stronger through musical learning because choral singing heals and creates a unique network of trust and security. There will be the presence of Blanca Anabitarte , director of Con Voz Propia; Rosa Alfonso , coach of Con Voz Propia, and José María Álvarez , artistic director of MUSIC'us Spain.
This choir, open to all women, is part of MUSIC'us Studio Coral, the academic division of the company, and is designed as a v musical oz that transforms lives through art and culture . For this reason, the weekly rehearsals are divided into two parts: on the one hand, the usual musical rehearsal, led by its director, Blanca Anabitarte, who places special emphasis on the selection of repertoire created by and for women, and on the other , the great novelty of the project: a group coaching session that follows the musical part and is in the hands of coach Rosa Mª Alfonso.
The combination of both sections promotes
social integration through musical arts
, the language of music is promoted as
tool of union between people
, eliminating social prejudices and fears, a community of trust is created around the choir that serves as an 'oasis' and an 'oasis' for its members.
safety net,
promoting the e
female empowerment
. In this way, self-confidence is restored to these women, increasing their self-esteem and establishing ties of friendship and help between them, overcoming problems such as loneliness or misunderstanding.
Therefore, it is a place of creation and listening, a group of artistic learning and meeting.
. “If Virginia Wolf demanded a room of her own, we demand a loud and firm voice for women, especially if they suffer some type of discrimination or have been victims of gender violence,” she clarifies.
Maria Sendino
, manager of MUSIC'us. “Far from being a stigma, the personal situation of these women will be their best tool to face the world singing together,” she concludes.
This initiative is already being recognized at the business level: last Monday, September 18, it was
awarded in the ninth edition of the 'You Choose' awards ceremony of the financial entity Cecabank
for their cultural and solidarity work.
group singing as social therapy
It has been implemented exponentially throughout the world in recent decades, especially in the Anglo-Saxon world, but in Madrid it is still a novelty.
Half artistic groups, half therapeutic groups
, these choirs meet weekly to rehearse and reconnect with life and themselves. That is, “an innovative musical social network is created that turns choral singing into healing catharsis,” explains Sendino.
In the words of José María Álvarez, artistic director of MUSIC'us Spain: “Since we founded our company we believed in the ethical duty to contribute something to the community in the best way we know how: by singing. So that our singing and our teaching of it serve to transform lives. In this case, to support and help women.”