Musical language

Musical language

Description of the 'Read and sing' workshop

'Read and sing' is a workshop aimed especially at members of senior choirs and choirs amateur, but also to children and young people who do not have knowledge of music reading or have very basic notions. Through playful strategies, participants will live a different experience of reading music.


The teaching of musical language will be based on some practices of the Kodály method for rhythmic understanding, on some music theory manuals such as Pezzuti, among others, and on the constant practice of polyphonic music intonation through recreational activities that facilitate learning to read. coral effectively.


- In small groups.
- Classes only in person for quality reasons.

Indicated for:

- Students from intermediate grade (inclusive) who want to reinforce their knowledge.

- Choralists amateur who want to advance in their musical development and reading scores.

- Primary and Secondary music teachers.

- People with previous amateur musical practice interested in expanding their knowledge.

- Music students who need to prepare for a Higher Conservatory entrance exam.

- Children and young people who want to learn to read music.

Workshop content

a) Rhythmic: basic concepts.

·Musical figures and symbols: notes, silences, clefs, alterations...

·Pulse and rhythm: rhythmic cells.

·Compass: compass indicator figure.

·Rhythmic dictation.

b) Intonation:


·Chords: fundamental position and its investments.

·Arpeggios (major, minor, augmented and diminished).

·Use of 'la' as an initial note to achieve tonalities.

·Sight reading (melodic and polyphonic) based on universal choral works.

·Melodic and polyphonic dictation.

c) Choral score:

·What is a system in a choral score?

eitherLines for measures: separator, double, end.

eitherNumber of measures.

eitherTest marks.


·Vocal formats (SATB) and their variants.

eitherClefs for each voice: G for female voices, G with 8 for tenor and F for bass.

eitherAnthem format.


·Text in choral scores:

eitherThe prosody of the text and the musical accent.

eitherWords: the importance of scripts.

eitherSinalefas in syllables that make hiatuses.

eitherPunctuation marks in the text.

eitherBC and other symbols.

d) Basic symbols in a choral score:

·Main signs:

eitherDynamics: p, pp, ppp, f, mf, fff, regulators.

eitherCharacter (metronome).

eitherExpressions of tempo change: ritardando and accelerando.

eitherRepeat signs: repeat bar, 1 and 2 square, DC.

eitherLigature of note and expression.

eitherGeneral edition of the score.

·Special signs:





eitherOthers (murmurs, spoken, etc.).

e) Personal study of the choral score:

·Study analysis of a choral score:

eitherEntries (thesic or anacrusic).

eitherRhythmic complexity.

eitherGeneral phonetics of the text.





- Monday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

- START OF CLASSES: Monday, October 2.


- CEIP St. Christopher (c/Bravo Murillo, 39).


- €60/month.

- Registration: €30 (at the beginning of each course).

I want to sign up or more information


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